One step at a time.

Two weeks ago, I performed at my first Sofar show in Brooklyn. Accompanied by my friends Francis Hernandez and Kyle Hart, we performed an acoustic set of old and new music. My intent was to heal and bind folks together through sound; to cast regen, protect, and shell upon the audience.
March on, march on.

Hosted at Swan Nest Yoga in Bushwick, this show partnered Sofar Sounds with SoundMind, an organization dedicated to mental health awareness. Until I was asked to be a part of the night, by my friend Mike Rublin, I didn't realize how many of my songs spoke to the internal struggles of the mind and the inner strength we have to overcome those struggles.
The night opened and closed with music from Sofar veterans Presidio and Carli Naff. The music and the message moved through the air painting vivid pictures for all to see and hear. We recognized the disappointment, the uncertainty, and the fortitude expressed in lyrics sung over guitar strings. As if answering the question, "can you relate?", the audience, transfixed and transformed, sang out, "Yes!", in three part harmony. By the end of the night, we all walked out changed. We were reminded through song, if even for a moment, that yes, it is your fight, but no one is truly fighting alone.
It's our fight.
Photos by LoganAbramsPhotography
Video by Dashaun Simmons